Queen’s University and the Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 1302 (the “Parties”)
acknowledge that Queen’s University in the City of Kingston is situated on territory traditionally
shared between the Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee peoples. The Parties acknowledge the
Indigenous Members of Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 1302 and their community
that still today live, travel and work alongside us and will work together to ensure that the
Indigenous Members of CUPE Local 1302 are recognized and respected within our agreements.
Queen’s University tánon ne Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 1302 (the “Parties”)
ratiién:tere’s ne Queen’s University tsi nón:we nikanónhsote ne tsi kaná:taien ne Kingston tsi
Onkwehón:we Anishinaabe tánon Haudenosaunee raonatenatá:ke. Ne Parties ronwatiién:tere’s
ne Ronnonkwehón:we ne ronatiá:tare ne Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 1302 tánon
ne raotinakeráhsera, shé:kon ne ón:wa nikahá:wi’s ratiná:kere skátne ionkwaió’te oh naiáwen’ne
ne Onkwehón:we ne ronatiá:tare ne Members of CUPE Local 1302 ronwatiién:teres tánon
ronwatikweniénstha tsi ki’ ní:ioht tsi ionkwaterihwahserón:ni.
Queen’s University miinwaa Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 1302 (the “Parties”)
nsadwaamdaanaawaa sa wi Gimaakwe Shpi-kinoomaagewgamig manpii eteg Gchi-oodenaang
Kingston ezhnikaadeg temgak omaa akiinsing gaa-maadookiiwaad ingiw Nishnaabeg miinwaa
Haudenosaunee’ag. Nsadwaabmaa’aan dash gonda “Parties” ezhnikaazjig ne’en sa Nishnaaben
debendaagzijig omaa Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 1302 ezhnikaadeg miinwaa gwa
doodewiniwaa nongwa bimaadiziwag, babaayaawag miinwaa da wiiji-nokiimdiwag wii-mino-ganoowaamjigaazwaad Nishnaabeg debendaagzijig omaa CUPE Local 1302 ezhnikaadeg,
wiinsadwaabmindwaa miinwaa wii-minaadendmindwaa manpii sa gdininaakodiwiniminaan.
Miigwech, Nyawen’ko: wa, Thank you